Thursday, June 27, 2013

"Special Needs"

I have a problem with my kids having this label.  You can't see their medical issues like you can with other things.  They don't use a wheelchair (ok, we did have to get Diva a special needs stroller, but it looks like an umbrella stroller), they don't have braces or casts, etc.

They both kinda fall into a gray area.  They aren't 100% healthy but, to us, they aren't disabled enough to be considered disabled.  Sadly, if Bubba actually had a diagnosis on the Autism Spectrum there would be more resources available to him and us than there are with just an ADHD diagnosis.

I feel like we are sitting on a fence and we don't really fit on either side of it.  Then there is that label...special needs....different needs...differently able...etc.  I dislike all of them.

I have yet to figure out exactly why I dislike the label, but I think it may have something to do with wanting my kids to be treated like any other kid.  Labels have a way of separating people.

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