Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Yeah migraines

I've suffered from migraines off and on for years.  My mom had them, my sisters get them...we know how to deal with them.  I get them 1-4 times a year and they usually go away with some Excedrin Migraine, a dark and quiet room, and some rest.

I had the worst one ever on my second day in the hospital.  It made me vomit, I've never had that happen before.  So they sent me home with meds to take when I get one.  Having not had many this year, I decided not to fill the script.

BIG mistake.

I've had 3 in the past two weeks, one I'm almost over now.  And my kids have been home the past two days due to the weather...so there has been no dark and quiet room or rest.  I think the only reason I'm not hiding in the closet (you know, because it's dark and quiet) is the Excedrin is dulling the pain enough so I can function.

Seriously, these suck. 

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