Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Finally....some answers!!!!!

We have some answers for Diva!  She has mild Ataxic Cerebral Palsy.  And CP is most likely the cause of her cronic constipation.  As for the feeling of food getting stuck in her throat?  Well, according to her orthopedic doctor, the form of CP she has is mild so it's not likely...but anything is possible.

Her treatment plan (Geek and I are so freaking happy we finally have one!!!!) is as follows:
-PT is increased from once a week to twice
-lower leg braces to be worn part-time (so basically for school and walking trips, like the zoo)

We left her appointment feeling so much lighter.  This massive weight has been lifted off our shoulders. 

We have treatment plans for both kids.  We feel we have the best diagnoses for both of them.

Things are starting to fall into place!

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