Thursday, August 1, 2013

Why is it so hard to speak properly?

I live in a highly diverse area, which I love!  But one of the downfalls is the butchering of the English language.  I'm not talking about those who learned English as a second language, nope, I mean the ones who grew up speaking it.

To borrow some phrases from Bill Cosby: "where he be" "what he drive?"  And I will add a few of my own : "diz be how..." "how cum she..."

Look, I have no problem with text messages!  I abbreviate all the time in my text messages.  But when you write or post like this in or on things like Facebook or e-mail (or even worse you actually SPEAK like this!) you just sound uneducated.

Please, please, please don't allow your children to speak this way. 

Would you want your surgeon to say, "Yo, diz what we gonna do.  We cut 'cho head open, den we gonna cut dat bitch outta dere and stitch yo head back up."

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