Geek has NO right to call himself a "single dad" I'm still doing 90% of the parenting. The only time he parents is if I need him to watch the kids because I won't be home (the only time I get out of the house anymore is if I have a doctors appoint.)
Once the Minions and I move out (I CANNOT WAIT FOR THAT DAY!) he will see them every other weekend...4 days each month. He has asked for one week of vacation with them each summer...let's see if that actually happens after the first year. He STILL can't tell you what meds the kids take each day. He has no idea how to do anything with Diva'a hair other than bruch it. She has long hair, it needs to be braided each night and have something done with it each morning or it looks like a hot mess.
He has started yelling way too much at Bubba. Bubba doesn't respond well to yelling but Geek seems to forget this.
I'm the only who makes the appointments, I'm the one who keeps up with the kids meds, I'm the only who deals with calls from the school, I'm the one who attends the IEP/504 meetings (when he attends he has pretty much no idea what's going on anyway). I'm the one who is up with them at night when they are sick/have a bad dream/can't sleep/just want to be with someone then gets them breakfast and off to school before I start my daily cleaning/cooking/looking for a job that pays money/dealing with EVERYTHING.
Look, I know it's important that Geek works, he makes the money. But when you can't even mow the lawn so the kids can play in the yard then call yourself a "single parent" it makes my blood boil. I'm sorry, you are a "weekend dad"...actually, you are an "every other weekend dad"
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