There is nothing normal or typical about my life. Well, there are a few things. I cook for my family...we laugh...we play games (the Minions LOVE bored games)...I spend one night a week putting their weekly pill containers together...we visit so many doctors that my kids know the drill by heart...
Wait, those last two aren't normal.
I spend Thursday nights, after the Minions are tucked into bed, filling their weekly pill containers. Diva takes two pills each is a fish oil and the other to help her sleep, in addition to mirilax. Bubba takes 5.5 pills each day...two fish oils, 1.5 for ADHD, one for asthma, and the other for reflux.
Doctors visits...Diva sees a GI doctor, an orthopedic doctor and a psychiatrist on a regular basis, in addition to her family doctor. Bubba sees a pulmonolgist (for asthma) and a psychiatrist, in addition to the family doctor. Of course, they also see the dentist and eye doctor.
Did I mention before that they both get physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) and Diva also gets speech therapy (ST)??
They have seen just about every specialty at the childrens hospital at some point in their life.
It makes me sad when we get complements like "it's great that they can swallow pills and that they don't give you a hard time taking them"..."you are so good letting me examine you"
Honestly, I wish I had to hold them down to get a shot or take meds. I wish they haven't had to experience of anesthesia. I wish I would have to sit there and watch them take medication, rather than just telling them "time for meds" and they know which slot to open. I wish they didn't know to question if they have the correct pills if the color/size/shape changes.
I wish my kids didn't know what the inside of a childrens hospital looks like. I wish I didn't have to give their teachers a full page background on them. I wish Diva could have milk, didn't need medication to help her poop every day, and that she could sleep well. I wish Bubba could make friends easily, knew a time when he didn't have daily pills to take, and didn't have to carry a nebi/inhaler everywhere.
I'd like to have just one week to enjoy my Minions without the consent worry. But it's not going to happen, and I'm ok with that. Taking Diva home after her surgery a few weeks ago, I said to Geek, "We would be so bored with our life if the kids were "normal"" He agreed.
A friend of the Geek said to him, "I don't know how you do it. I'd be mad a the world." Geeks response, "What good would it do?"
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