We told the kids this past Saturday. They had been out with family for lunch and a movie, Geek and I got into a huge fight. Then he left. Packed a bag, took our car, and didn't tell anyone where he was going. So I have no way to get around. I can walk to the store or the doctor, but it will take awhile and I can't do a big shopping trip. Oh, and he changed the password to the bank account. No, my name isn't on it, he works for the bank so in order to get a free account it had to be in his name only. No need to tell me how dumb it was to close my account (hey, it was costing $20/month that could be better used somewhere else), I know.
So, he dropped off some groceries this morning and I found out he is staying with his girlfriend. They haven't known each other for more than a month. Oh, and he wants to take the kids next weekend, overnight, and stay there. Over my dead body.
I filled out a form for assistance this morning, I have an appointment tomorrow already. I'm no longer embarrassed to have to ask for help. It's not my fault I've spent the past 6 years "working" as a mother and wife and now he wants to play house with someone else. She is 7 years older than him! I could never date a guy that much younger than me. It's not even like he is one of those "older than my age" guys. If anything, he's a 15 year old trapped in a 32 year old body.
I know him wanting the kids next weekend is going to cause yet another big fight, and this woman may be a wonderful person (although from what I gather from someone who knows her, I'm not sure this is anything more than a fling with Geek) but it will be less than two weeks since we told the kids about the divorce. He should not be having sleepovers with them at her place. I'm worried Geek with tell me I'm doing this to "hurt" him, but I really think I'm protecting my kids emotions.
They rarely ask about him unless it's to ask where he is and when he's going to come back. They understand they are moving with just me, but it's weird to them for him to not be here since he told them they will still be able to visit him here. I had to talk them into talking to him on the phone last night. They only wanted him to come back...same thing this morning when he stopped by. I try not to cry or get emotional in front of them, but they can tell when I'm sad and they have both asked me if it was "because of Daddy"
He can screw anything he wants...he just needs to keep it away from the Minions for a bit yet.
Please tell me I'm not over thinking this!