Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Probably going to piss a few people off with this one!

It really pisses me off how all you breastfeeding mothers high-five yourselves and put down those of us who choose to use formula. Where does all the anger come from?  Someone posted on line a picture of a recipe for a pizza that was paid for by someone else because the mother whipped her boob out in the restaurant to feed her baby.

Please remember, some of us want to breastfeed and can’t. Some of us choose not to breastfeed.  GET OVER IT!

Guess what?!?!?!? It doesn’t come easy to everyone.   Does that surprise you "Nipple Nazis"?  

Does that make me less of a mother because I NEVER got milk in?  Yeah, even with meds, herbs and many lactation consultations I STILL couldn’t get milk in either time I was pregnant!  

One was born 9 weeks early and the other 4 weeks early, both were difficult, dangerous pregnancies.  I almost died while pregnant with my oldest, hence him being 9 weeks early.

"Oh, but you could have gotten milk from someone else!"  HELL NO!  There is no way in hell I would allow another woman's milk into either of my kids bodies.  Sorry, that's just gross.  Not to mention, with two kids with special feeding needs (i.e.- I had to mix their formula to a special calorie mixture and add rice due to reflux) formula was easier in the long run.

"But that's how they did it before formula!"  Yeah, they also used to drain blood out of your body to "cure" just about everything.  The old way is not always the best way.  Oh, and if we still did things "the old way" I would have probably died from pre-eclampsia before Bubba was born and if I had survived, Bubba probably would have died from the pyloric stenosis he was born with.

Just once, I’d like to see “High-five for feeding your baby!”  Really, who the fuck cares how you feed them!

I’m an AWESOME mother, I have AWESOME kids…hell, my son has genus level IQ and my daughter isn’t far behind!  See how important breast milk is?  

Seriously, other than your kids doctor and maybe your OB/GYN, who was the last person to even care if your kids got the boob or the bottle?  I haven't been asked in years.

Monday, July 29, 2013

One hell of a storm!

I thought the rain was never going to end!  I heard on the news we got around 5 inches of rain!

My street during the storm
My back yard during the storm

Diva enjoying the new swimming pool :0)
Bubba enjoying the new swimming pool :0)

We usually park the car here, it's up over my ankles
Just about 4.5 feet onto my sidewalk, the tip of my shoe is where the water like is.
My whole street during a brief period of no rain.
The new fountain from the man-hole cover...it was still going like this a few hours later.

 My street is still flooded out, it has NEVER stayed flooded this long.  The rain stopped about 3 hours ago but they are calling for more overnight.  I'm so thankful that our house sits up on a small hill, otherwise I have a feeling our basement would be flooded.

There are pictures all over Facebook of the flooding in my area.  So far there just seems to be a lot of water and no property damage or bodily harm...let's hope is stays that way!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

I know, I know, it's been over a month...

But I've been so freaking busy!  Soccer camp, doctor visits, vacation...things are starting to wind down now that we are heading into August (sing: It's the most wonderful time of the year....).

Update on the Minions:

Bubba is doing well off his ADHD meds, which really only reinforces our concern that this may not be the best diagnosis for him.  He enjoyed  soccer camp, but not enough to want to play the sport.  He is excited for wrestling season to start.

Diva is another story.  We decided to put her on some meds for reflux hoping that the coughing and feeling of food getting stuck will go away...so far no good.  And we had another bout of severe constipation, yeah, that was a ton of fun :0(  Unfortunately, she may need an endoscopy.

She has an appointment with the gait lab to see what's going on with her muscles/walking, but that's not until the end of next month and we won't have any results for another month after that.

And her behavior issues are escalating, even with more positive reinforcement.

I have a feeling kindergarten is going to be a rough year for her.

Expect a bunch of posts in the next few days, I have a lot on my mind!